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Hi, I'm Nont!

Student | Designer | Developer | Creator

My name is Nutnornont Chamadol. I am a 16-year-old highschooler who likes to design, code, and create whatever my mind desires.

If you want to know more about me and my skills in computer science, there are tons of interesting things waiting for you in the sections below.

I hope you enjoy!



In the past 2 years, coding has been a big part of my life in many aspects. Programming is somehow a part of my gene now. I can code in 5 languages: C, Python, SQL, HTML, CSS. I am also a UX/UI Designer Intern as well.


From my point of view, language is a door to be opened. From my experience, when I got proficient in English, I was able to consume a lot more content on the internet. I can speak 4 languages: Thai, English, Chinese, and Italian.

Content Creating.

I have been making YouTube video for 3 years now. It allows me to find my passion of becoming a pilot through Flight Simulator gaming video. I write articles on Medium. Touch typing is also my hobby. My typing speed is at 70 wpm.



ViaBus Special Project Internship

#ComputerScience #UX/UI_Design

Harvard CS50x Computer Science

#ComputerScience #Harvard

42 Discovery Piscine Web Development

#WebDev #42Piscine

VoiceNote App (Newton x Srinakharinwirot University)

#Front-end #Application

Harvard CS50P Programming with Python

#PythonProgramming #Harvard

MIDI Hackathon KMUTT

#MIDI #Hackathon

WEB3 Hackathon Festival JetLearn

#WEB3 #Hackathon

Gistda Space Camp

#Geo-Informatics #SpaceTechnology

Robot Performance Award

#Robotic #Competition

Robot Design Award

#Robotic #Competition

Python Data Science for Beginner

#PythonProgramming #DataScience

Duolingo English Test (Score 135)

#StandardizedTest #DuolingoEnglishTest


Newton Talk 2: Public Speaking

#PublicSpeaking #TheNewtonSixthForm

Cessna 172 Fly Day by KMITL

#Pilot #FlyRealPlane

Newton Creative Drama on Stage

#CreativeDrama #TheNewtonSixthForm

Newton Oxford Bookworms Reading Challenge

#OxfordBookworms #TheNewtonSixthForm

Exchange Year Program in Italy 2022-2023

#ExchangeStudent #AFS_Intercultural

AFS Cultural Camp 2022

#AFSer #AFS_Intercultural


Plant Trees along the Natural Trail

#Afforestation #Nature

Make Rubber Band Exercise Equipment

#ExerciseEquipment #MuscleWeakness

My Exchange Year in


nontGcob eating his gelato nontGcob visiting historical place
My 9-month
Exchange in Italy
Undoubtedly a once-in-a-lifetime experience, unquestionably one of the best years of my life, with unforgettably memorable highs and lows. That is how I would summarise my exchange year in a country where I had no idea how to speak the language, yet I still went. Of all the investments my family has made for me, it was certainly one of the best. Additionally, it was among my greatest adventures that I ever gave to myself.
